Browsing: television

On Sunday, the first episode of PIECES was released on YouTube. PIECES is an online series that’s a classic sci-fi…

Sunday’s Super Bowl broadcast was a veritable geek marathon with a slew of commercials for upcoming sci-fi movies and TV…

Recently, we were tipped off to the online scifi series, Overturn. Along the way, we’ve discovered a whole community of…

I’ve been holding back on reviewing the new NBC drama, The Cape. I thought the pilot was so good that…

Here’s this week’s geek on TV. Check your local listings for times and channel numbers. No Ordinary Family Tues, Nov…

As much as I love Star Wars, when George Lucas announced a planned live-action television show I was wary. They’ve…

With the DVD of the TV movie Virtuality now out, it’s time to review what could have been. First of…